Student Solution


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Discussion_sales and marketing

Discussion_sales and marketing

Q People often think that marketing is just advertising — a highly visible activity by which organizations tries to persuade customers to buy products and services. However, the marketing concept emphasizes that marketing is much more than just advertising. It is about satisfying customer needs and wants. How does marketing satisfy your needs as a college student? Are certain aspects of your life influenced more heavily by marketing than others? Provide examples.

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First of all, it is required mentioning here that marketing is not advertising and precisely in the era of 21st century, marketing has become an inclusive part of almost every citizen. Marketing influences lifestyle of the community and doubtlessly, advertising is one significant part of it. As a college student and a part time employee, I have understood that marketing and precisely advertising make pivotal influence in my daily life. For example, I daily consume a orange and pomegranate juice from an organization that has a marketing strategy to increase awareness regarding healthy diet.